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关于Charles Tang 唐骁

Charles Tang是国际知名设计公司Charles Tang Design的创始人,董事兼创意设计总监,本公司在迪拜,中国及澳大利亚各大城市都做过各规模的城市设计,城市综合体,医疗养老综合体以及旅游度假酒店设计及商业,别墅室内设计。


他的设计原则是”His design comes from the heart”- 他的设计是发自内心的,”Tailor Made”- 私人订制模式的设计方式会在细节上做的更细腻,更高档,更雅观,不但增加项目价值,同时增强客户体验。


他在2011年之前作为商业,城市综合体设计专家,在澳大利亚悉尼与扎哈•哈迪德、墨菲•扬等国际知名事务所合作进行城市综合体的项目设计。他先后于,Saunders Global桑德士悉尼,Haskoll赫斯科北京,RTKL北京担任城市综合体,旅游度假,养老类-城市、建筑设计顾问。




Charles Tang 唐骁先生的设计作品曾刊登于《澳洲壹地产 - Australian Property Review》、《地产线》、《a+a建筑知识》等国内外知名媒体,他同时被《a+a建筑知识》评选为2014-2015年年度建筑师并接受媒体专访,被悉尼科技大学提名为2015最佳企业成就校友奖。Charles Tang唐骁先生曾多次受邀出席行业专业会议及论坛担任主讲嘉宾,如2014-15年上海亚洲房地产周峰会,并在2014-15年福州、成都等地举行的城市综合体设计论坛进行主旨演讲。



Charles Tang 唐骁先生最近获得了香港室内设计师协会、亚太设计师大赛组委会举办的2018年亚太设计师大赛两项重量级大奖;分别为人物类奖项 - 2018年亚太设计师卓越人物大奖和大赛方案类奖项-商业空间金奖。本设计大赛受设计界的广泛关注,来自美国,日本,韩国,新加坡,马来西亚,台湾,中国的参赛作品总共2968份!他同时代表澳大利亚顶级设计师担任亚太设计师论坛的嘉宾。


1996-2002   悉尼科技大学 (UTS) - 建筑学双学位


2000           悉尼科技大学 (UTS) - 建筑学文学学位


2002           悉尼科技大学 (UTS) - 建筑学学位

Charles Tang – 唐骁
25 Best Street
Lane Cove NSW 2066

悉尼北岸 莱恩科夫

新南威尔士 澳大利亚

+614 81 799 557







关于Albert Leung梁北海、养老运营专家顾问


我在澳大利亚养老院基金会工作了22年,曾经担任过董事会秘书,执行总裁(CEO)。这些年来澳大利亚养老院基金会在我的领导下不断的飞速发展, 同事我以运营专家的身份,主要强调它的运营实用性, 创造一个以服务为主, 人性化,替老人和护士着想, 节能的,低运营成本的养老院。

当时在维多利亚州建造第一个华人养老院的时候, 我作为名誉顾问, 从概念设计一直把控到到建成。 这所‘幸运华人养老院’是于2006年正式开始运营, 位于Donvale,维多利亚州,澳大利亚。



周藻泮疗养院位于爱尔活市近中心位置,邻近多个备受欢迎之公园及各项社区设施,蔻克河(Cooks River)在不远处蜿蜒而下。周藻泮疗养院提供46个宿位,附近除购物中心外,更有咖啡店、超级市场、休憩中心、俱乐部及图书馆。重新装修后之周藻泮疗养院除保留一贯安闲家居环境外,更引进多项崭新设备。多功能活动室让住客轻鬆地进行各样治疗、享受不同之康体活动。宽敞大厅/餐堂连接雅致庭园,住客可趟佯其间或参与园艺工作,一起种植时菜及全年栽种之各种香草。






Christopher Stapleton, 
Senior Brand Experience Design Consultant 

The 21st Century brings exponential possibilities to building value through brand experience to location based venues. Christopher Stapleton is a Pioneer of eXpanding Reality (XR) that melts the boundaries between compelling reality, dynamic virtual reality and the infinite imagination of customers.  His catalytic creativity expands return of investment of Customer Experience (CX) by bridging traditional “bricks & mortar” destinations with “click & order” economy. He has influenced the innovative future of global enterprises of consumer technology, entertainment destinations, health & wellness tourism as well as immersive education. 

The Brand Experience Architect is responsible for articulating a clear customer motivation and user journey through a physical and virtual brand architecture, interaction interface and experience design that an customer navigates across venues and services offered on location or online.

Global Entertainment Clients Include:
Universal Studios, Disney Imagineering, Nickelodeon Studios, Paramount Parks, Sentosa World Resorts, Wanda , Legend Cultural Development, Meraas Leisure & Entertainment, Sanrio Puroland, Gardaland Park.

Corporate & Research Clients:
HTC Vive, Canon Inc., IBM, SimVentions, Institute for Simulation and Training, Technical University of Munich

NASA, US National Science Foundation, US Departments of Defense and Education, Space Florida, Canon USA.Forrec Ltd for the Wanda Group
Creative Director for Guest Experience (Forrec/Wanda)


China, Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan
Client rep for Creative Direction with Forrec International. The project included ride-films based upon traditional Chinese myths and cultural history. Multiple attractions with interactive, multi-screen, multisensory experiences.

NASA, Universal Studios, Disney, Nickelodeon Co-Principal Investigator, Mission: LEAP (Simiosys) 
Experience Architect for experiential learning landscapes with novel VR & Augmented Reality User Interfaces (UI) to teach innovation skills to families and reignite the American dream of space exploration.

Splat City Sr. Art Director (Nickelodeon Experiences), California, Virginia, Ohio
Supervised the Art Direction of Nickelodeon Recreation's first permanent theme park attraction at multiple Paramount Park Locations including Kings Island, Kings Dominion, Great America.

Universal Orlando Resort Senior Production Designer 
Responsible for new attraction development for Florida Studio Park. 
Walt Disney World Concept Designer
Orlando florida
Concept design future entertainment attractions and events.


New York University
MFA, Design for Film and Theater • (1978 - 1984)
City University London
NYU Abroad, Art & Theater • (1980 - 1980)

关于Matt L McCoy 龙马.麦科伊


Charles Tang Design Pty Ltd



其他职业阶段在设计工作室内开展工作,如Sanderson 集团、娱乐设计集团、I.C.工作室,国际贸易展和M2 创意集团。






在展览/骑行设计和制作中担任主题公园设计的创意总监并完成监督世界级主要品牌知识产权的任务。主题内部和外部设施确保视觉图像的质量,包括高端细节主题Q线,预展和主要的主题吸引装置,如水上游乐设施,过山车,黑暗骑行,运动表演照明,显示特效 - (SFX)和更多。这涉及4D / 5D - 现场动作剧场互动节目以及以故事为主题的主题零售商店。从项目开始到建筑、制造、安装和多媒体到成品安装,并且引导供应商团队,选择最优质的IAAPA&TEA主题公园行业标准和电影娱乐业务的供应商。

1998年 -作为Front Gate Mall的首席设计师获得IAAPA六旗乐园团体奖第一名
2002年 - TEA奖 - 与六旗设计中的第一名Hurricane Harbour获奖团队
2005年- 模块化目的地博物馆设计与规划国家爱国主义博物馆年度奖
2007年- 滚动雷霆企业ATL GA美国 - 美洲原住民 - 节日精神奖
2008年 - 2009年美国亚特兰大艺术节2011年度第一名装饰设计与精神奖颁奖典礼 - 未来执法指挥中心设计CALEA第一名
2015年 - 美国亚特兰大全球 “爱尔兰酒吧、餐厅年度奖”第一名
2015年 - CAAPA 2015团队总体规划FECs – Sanderson集团中国
2016 年- ASIA IAAPA 2016团队规划设计第一名- Sanderson集团中国


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Floris Smith

Senior Hospitality Design Consultant 

Floris is an award-winning architect and urban designer with o ver 40 years’ experience spanning five continents.

As ex-chairman of the celebrated design firm Smith Meyer Pienaar and                                                                                                 Partners in South Africa and subsequently in Australia, he has successfully led a full spectrum of architectural and urban design projects in all major sectors
Floris joined DSA Architects International in 2008 where, as Design Principal for the practice, he leads the design output for all projects undertaken by the Middle East studio, and is also a member of the Senior Executive Board of the company.

The Crescent Development, Baku, Azerbaijan
Major mixed-use development comprising 5-Star Hotel, Mall, Office Tower and Residences.
Size:    250,000m²
Client:    Gilan Holding

Swiss International Scientific School, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Minergie sustainable school based on futuristic architectural design using cutting-edge sustainable materials and technology.
Size:    50,000m²
Client:    Al Ahmadiah Contracting

Anantara 5-Star Hotel, Culture Village,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Contemporary waterside hotel set along the extended Dubai Creek. 
Size:         60,000m²
Client:    Dubai Properties GroupHilton Dead Sea Resort & Spa, Jordan
Connected to the existing Convention Centre, designed using local stone and with pontoon access to the Dead Sea.
Size:    35,000m²

Client:    Emaar / Dead Sea Resorts

The Oberoi Hotel,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
5-star business hotel comprising 252 keys and a 30-storey commercial office tower.
Size:    100,000m²
Client:    Rani International Development

DSA Architects International United Arab Emirates, 9 years
JPR Architects Australia, 9 years
Kann Finch & Partners Australia, 2 years
Woods Bagot Australia, 1 year
Smith, Meyer PeinaarSouth Africa, 18 years


Master of Architecture University of Pennsylvania United States of America, 1980
Bachelor of Architecture University of Witwaterrand South Africa, 1976


Sean Seonkook Kim

Senior Healthcare+ Science Design Consultant 

Sean Seonkook Kim has 22-year work experience on design management within developer’s perspective, as well as architectural & interior design, space planning and master planning with a strong background designing multiple building typologies of varying scale in size for numerous project types. His design and project management experiences include multi-family residential, commercial, academic, healthcare, institutional, hospitality and K-12 education facility projects throughout California, Massachusetts, U.S., China, Singapore, Bahamas, Mexico and Korea. At CallisonRTKL, leading Seattle/Beijing office's design and production team and mentoring interior and architectural designers and planners as well as business development for commercial, healthcare, hospitality and workplace projects

Selected Projects 

CallisonRTKL (formerly known as RTKL Associates), Seattle, Dallas & Beijing, December 2011 – November 2016
Associate Vice President, Design Principal – Responsible for master planning, architectural and interior design and medical planning from concept design thru design development phase and beyond, mentoring designers and planners in several design studios, spearheading on market developments in U.S., Middle-east, China, Korea and Singapore. Evergrande Real Estate Group Medical Mixed-use Development, Hainan, China, 2016(Operator: Partners Health International & Brigham Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA), under construction.
Hangzhou Office Tower Medical Mall Interior Design and Medical Planning, Hangzhou China, 2016(Core & shell Design: KPF), under construction.
Genesis Rehabilitation Services Center, Qinghuangdao, China, 2015-16, built in 2016
Shanghai United Family Hospital Design Proposal, 2014)
1st Place, Chenzhou 1st People's Hospital East Branch, Chenzhou, China, March 2013, under construction.
1st Place, Gualv New City General Hospital, Guangzhou, China, Jan 013, under construction
Qingdao Shandong University Medical Center, 2013


Beijing United Family Rehabilitation Hospital, Beijing, China, architecture & interior design, 2012-2013, built in 2013
Beichen General Hospital, Beijing, China, architecture & interior design, 2012-2013, built in 2012
1st Place, Qi Lu Shandong University Women's and Children's Hospital, Jinan, China, July 2012, under construction
1st Place, Wuxi New Xishan Peoples’ Hospital, 2012
University of Zhejiang, Yuhang International Medical City, 2012
Chengdu Tianfu Great City Health City Masterplan, 2012 
Tianjin Medical University Eco-City Metabolic Disease Hospital, 2011
Shenzhen People’s General Hospital New Addition, 2012
Shanghai Changzheng New Pudong Hospital, 2011


Harvard University, Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Master in Design Studies, June 1998
Individual Post Graduate Program of design study pursuing architecture and urban design courses
Independent Study Advisor: Peter G. Rowe, Dean of HARVARD GSD

Graduate School of Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.
Master of Science in Architecture, Feb 1995    

Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea.
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Feb 1993

Tim has a background in government mediation and understands the tensions between property development and government requirements. Up front strategic advice is critical to expectations, feasibility and project success. Tim provides this advice to clients while also assisting in where certain projects may be pushed to their full potential.

Tim Stewart 

Bachelor of Town Planning (BTP)

University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

Tim is a town planner with 25 years of private and public sector planning experience.


Since 2002 Tim has consulted to a wide range of private sector clients involved mainly involved with property development with a focus on new residential development, commercial and industrial complexes, tourist accommodation and workforce housing. Work has included several large rezoning proposals as well as numerous Development Applications and Modifications to existing consents. The scale of project experience is diverse with approvals being obtained for sites with several hundred units as well as boutique dwelling houses and smaller residential projects.


Prior to 2002, Tim was the Manager of Strategic and Corporate Development at Wollondilly Council in NSW where he had responsibility over all strategic town planning matters, tourism and corporate development. Prior to this, he held a similar role at Hurstville Council as Strategic Planning Manager, which involved the preparation of LEPs and DCPs and major environmental and corporate development initiatives.

Tim’s Government experience extends to the processes and politics surrounding land development and infrastructure management providing knowledge of strategic decision making and government approvals processes.


Tim has a background in government mediation and understands the tensions between property development and government requirements. Up front strategic advice is critical to expectations, feasibility and project success. Tim provides this advice to clients while also assisting in where certain projects may be pushed to their full potential.




澳洲新南威尔士州注册建筑师Reg. 11733,Class 2 注册建筑师, PM,项目经理,拥有把控商业和住宅项目从A-Z完整经验。管理预算、资源采购和分配、具有领导多元化团队以确保项目成功按时交付的能力。热衷于创新和打造地标性建筑!

Charles Tang 唐骁 、 董事 、 创始人          T: +61 (2)89701483         E:           25 Best Street, Lane Cove NSW 2066, Australia
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